Enterprise software: built to be infinitely customizable using massive amounts of work to just short of your actual needs but no farther, and filled full of sharp edges to cut yourself on. -- Anonymous
Amazon recently introduced native PDF support for the Kindle 2 e-reader and dropped its price to $259. I have a fair number of programming PDFs and always avoided reading them systematically because of the eye strains associated with staring at a computer screen for a long time. E-readers, on the other hand, do not suffer from this problem as they use e-ink and do not require back light.
My Kindle 2 arrived last weekend. I played with it for several days and unfortunately decided to return it. First, I actually liked the Kindle 2 a lot and really tried hard to keep it. The Kindle 2 has an excellent form factor and feels great in hand. Text was crisp, and the unit generally had good response. It's great for reading novels that do not need sophisticated formatting, On the other hand, PDF support, which is the main reason I bought it in the first place, was not entirely satisfactory. I was hoping for the contrary, but it turns out that the 6" screen was hardly enough to support a pleasant PDF reading experience. You can't resize, zoom, or reflow PDF documents. You can't change font sizes. The only option for larger fonts is to switch to landscape mode. It was a bit better that way, but I had to hit "Next Page" repeatedly to see the remaining portions of the page. It got tiring pretty quickly. Also if you have a two-column scientific paper, imagine how many "Previous Page" and "Next Page" clicks you have to endure. Ugh... You do have the option to convert PDFs to a more Amazon-friendly format that supports larger font sizes:
After my little experiment with the Kindle 2, I did learn some valuable lessons though. I didn't realize how important and convenient it was to be able to read one whole PDF page without back-and-forth "scrolling". That tells me that none of the 6" e-readers will give me a satisfactory experience even if they support PDF reflowing (essentially reformatting the PDF with a larger font size but significantly altering the layout of the book in the process). Therefore, I've given up trying the Nook or any of the Sony readers similar in size. It seems that after the Kindle 2, the only e-reader I'm currently interested in is its big brother--the 9.7" Kindle DX. I've seen several youtube videos that examine its PDF displaying capabilities. It seems promising. On the other hand, the DX still retails for $489, primarily for the lack of competition in its size range, I assume. You can buy a lot of books with that money. So here goes my mini Kindle 2 review, primarily focused on its PDF capabilities. I hope the review's been helpful for somebody out there with similar requirements. Overall, I remain very enthusiastic about the prospect of my owning a e-reader sooner rather than later. Don't take this review as a completely negative experience. Please see past the shortcomings of one particular offering for my needs. I'll report back when and if I muster enough courage up to get the DX. P.S. The Kindle 2 does natively display PDFs with Chinese characters, therefore rendering things like the Unicode font hack partially obsolete--I say partially because I don't think Unicode support is enabled for the native Kindle format (AZW). Also I assume that Unicode PDF support is generic, and that other major languages are supported as well. I have not verified the assumption. My wife and I do read a fair amount of Chinese content, so it was a huge plus for us. I'm sure there are a number of working workflows for getting a Chinese novel onto the Kindle 2; mine is as follows: